Product Engineering

Product engineering services

Product Engineering forms the nucleus of all service at PSI-Globaltech, and we relish decades of corporate success in delivering world-class solutions to organizations across the globe with our outsourcing practices.

We are an organization that delivers state of the art solutions for global market leaders and ISV’s across industries like FinTech, Transportation & Logistics, Travel & Hospitality, HealthTech, Retail Tech, and Oil & Gas.

What we do for ISV’s

  • Demystify Outsourcing
  • Understand overall requirements and goals
  • Develop a Custom-made Solution

Our solutions focus on

  • Accelerated development and delivery
  • Best Team Creation
  • Developing Technology Center of Excellence (CoE)
  • Product Transformation
  • Ongoing Product Sustenance
  • Service and Product Quality
    Service and product quality

    When you outsource, it is very likely that somewhere in your mind, you have already thought of challenges related to service quality. At PSI-Globaltech, we offer you complete control of the service and product quality with assurances of an established and progressive practice. We have fine-tuned our practices with experience of delivering quality to market leaders for almost two decades.

  • Qualified Resources
    Qualified resources

    Pratham’s transparent policy ensures that each resource is formally introduced and interviewed from the customer’s point of contact. Our hiring process of “Hiring the Best” is what makes us confident in what we deliver to the customer.

  • Proactive Vs Reactive Teams
    Proactive Vs Reactive teams

    Problem-solving and principal risk identification capabilities with the proposed work on the product lifecycle are the signs of a proactive team. Our resources have remained involved in multiple projects with stringent timeline, and time and again have showcased capabilities to spot the underlying problem and report it before the issue becomes a headache. Project managers who set for each deliverable are well-versed in channelizing communication between the team and customer to make sure everything is reported, and nothing is left overlooked.

  • Innovation at the Core
    Innovation at the core

    Outsourcing has shifted its core from a cost-saving exercise to an innovation-driven model, and we have embraced it enthusiastically. We believe that if our resources aren’t going hand-in-hand with the current technologies, then it’s a disadvantage to our customers. Therefore, we invest in the training and development of our employees and ensure they are certified to understand and respond to customers’ business needs.

  • Time zone challenges
    Time zone challenges

    This is one challenge we can’t deny or say that does not exist, the time difference between us (India) and most of North America is almost half a day, and to Europe is 5 hours. This has turned out to be advantageous for us as we always have a buffer to address changes and get work done overnight in case of a critical release. Our dedicated development center, onsite presence, and partnerships with nearshore providers have enabled us to deliver projects on time and be resources-ready to collaborate across the globe. Hence, we proudly call ourselves a “Your Glocal Software Partner.”

  • Cultural, Communication and Language Differences
    Cultural, communication and language differences

    At PSI-Globaltech, we are different, and we say that boastfully, but our talent and adaptiveness to technology are second to none. Our consultants and project managers have been appreciated for understanding the scope of work, business queries, and delivering it on time with top-notch quality. We are open to any client-preferred communication platform so that communication issues does not affect connectivity. This age of developers and managers have moved beyond the language barriers, and our hiring and training process that requires the candidate to pass an intensive English test on the lines of IELTS ensures the rest.