How Different Are Lean Development and Lean Startup Techniques?
Modern day software development methodologies have always been prevalent across the adaptive edge, providing development teams with critical flexibility while working upon a specified project roadmap. Teams, now have a vast decisive space with several advisable and hybrid work models available to be deployed across a project line.
Plan of Action
The use of Agile principles in the development province is quite prominent today with almost every team bringing it into use to produce relevant results. By implementing agile principles, development teams can easily prioritize high-value functions and test incremental builds directly with the intended users during the development process. The agile technique helps cross-functional teams to proactively identify and correct errors based on user feedback thus delivering error-free, desirable outcomes.
Lean thinking has been associated with the slogan: “Think big, act small, fail fast; learn rapidly.”
Lean development, on the other hand, is a profound upgrade of the agile philosophy. It brings enhanced flexibility to the development course and conforms quite naturally to an agile approach to deliver quality driven builds. With continuous improvement strategies backing it up, the ultimate goal of lean development is to eliminate wasteful dependencies and supply exact customer interests using quick development sprints.
The model eliminates any process or functionality that isn’t adding value to the system, thus allowing the teams to focus only on significant development areas. Teams that are well-versed with the lean development process can easily differentiate between the most pressing deliverables and focus their work efforts in eliminating avoidable functions to deliver fast.
It customarily aligns with Agile principles by prioritizing waste elimination and empowering the team with amplified learning to help them deliver quality work as fast as possible.
Lean startup, on the other hand, differs from the lean development approach. The idea is to ward off the functionalities that are least likely to deliver any value to the target market group. Teams necessarily focus on solving problems first and then develop other functions as the project builds up. While in lean development approach, teams focus on delivering builds based on user demands. Therefore, lean startup promotes a much better market-oriented production.
The technique extensively uses “validated learning” to avoid unnecessary resource wastage while developing causeless functions. In lean startup, if there ever crops up a fail case, it quickly initiates within low cost instead of regular glossed over pattern as seen in the traditional techniques.
By following the lean startup approach, development teams tend to identify pressing problem statements proactively, effectively solves them and then build other functionalities around the efficient build. The crux is to invest the best resources into developing a minimum viable product (MVP) and introduce it across the intended market space to receive feedbacks.
It allows development teams to proactively align customer interests with development strategies and incorporate refinement to achieve the best results. Lean startup is faster and less expensive as compared to conventional methodologies.
While both the development strategies are highly efficient and useful in their territories, it more or less depends on the development teams to choose their preferred ace. Both the strategies are highly popular among development teams who offer offshore product development services and solutions. Visit us at to benefit from our wide range of enterprise-grade development solutions and services.
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