DevOps is an efficient IT approach aimed at collaborating in-house workflows with development and IT operations. DevOps enable corporate strategists, developers, and testers to work together for faster software development lifecycle.

DevOps brings in the best of software development and IT practices to enable shorter development cycles, increased reliability in deployment, and delivery practices.

PSI-Globaltech’s DevOps strategies aim at helping enterprises with quick and efficient software development and infrastructural management. Our implementations enhance industrial work automation and product deployment by improving process efficiency, mapped over the client’s market needs.

DevOps Tools

Key features offered by DevOps implementation

  • It majorly facilitates product development and management of the release cycle by active process monitoring and automation.
  • It links product development with operations in close collaboration to reap better, faster, and efficient outcomes.
  • With DevOps, working on customer feedback is no longer a passive activity. DevOps combines customer feedback within the development process for immediate error correction and upgrades.
  • Reformed deployment and delivery process through continuous testing and monitoring throughout the development lifecycle.

DevOps tools

  • Build: Ant, Maven, Grunt, Gradle, Make, MSBuild, Cmake
  • Testing: Selenium, Cucumber, Jasmine, Jmeter, Junit
  • CI: Jenkins, TeamCity, Visual Studio, CodeShip, Bamboo
  • Deployment: CodeDeploy, Otto, SmartFrog, RapidDeploy
  • SCM: SubVersion, Git, GitHub, BitBucket
  • Collaboration: TFS, Trello, Jira, Slack
  • Release Management: Docker, Nomad