Product development life cycle (PDLC) at PSI-Globaltechbrings the best-in-industry software maintenance and support services to enrich the developed product. Our work ensures consistent and enhanced performance in the competitive end-user world. Support and maintenance let the product evolve according to the changing technology and business environment and gain a competitive edge in the business curve.
PSI-Globaltech helps enterprises enhance their workplace capacity and capabilities through its competent application/product maintenance services to serve end-client requirements. These maintenance activities range from minor fixes for existing defects to the implementation of new business rules in an established product.
Our service teams use comprehensive data transition and product ramp-up practices to communicate the client’s product and business perspective to the offshore team. If any alterations are anticipated to a system, PSI-Globaltech does the impact analysis of these changes using its assimilated expertise.
We use the outcome of this analysis to project the transmitted effects to other parts of the system. In any maintenance project, the impact analysis phase is important because it helps to understand the design and release effect on the product. Subsequently, the client can make a precise decision regarding the application for any probable change.